Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sony Ericsson W 710i

Well heres my first serious post
Alongside this shoddy post is the sony ericsson W710i phone and Ive decided to give it a review 4 months after purchasing it

-great design

-durable ...Ive dropped it twice and V's dropped it once but you would never be able to tell

-Walkman feature is something else...also it has an inbuilt pedometer[counts your steps] though I dont require the latter so much
-Display Visible in most lighting conditions

-quick keys everywhere :)

-Pair of stylish head turning earphones

-512 MMC complementary with this model so cheapskates like me dont need a new MMC soon

-The plastic keypad does feel a bit tacky at times

-No zooming in the pictures :O :O :O :O :O :O

-Get a nagging feeling the rubber pad outside will pop off [read about this happening so its not one of my unfounded fears]

This is a great phone and with Sony stopping its production[can anyone confirm this?]
this phone is for a priviledged few lol

I got this for close to 10 k at alpha and it was well worth the deal

Want to share stories or experiences with the W710i?
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1 comment:

Tanuj Baru said...

HEy fella!

seems lyk evryone is blogging!

small world..eh?...lol

so hws evrythang goin..

donno if u'll read this so lemme copy/paste it onto yr scrap book...
